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The Merbl Lab

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The proteasome regulator PSME4 modulates proteasome activity and antigen diversity to abrogate anti-tumor immunity in NSCLC 

Javitt A*, Shmueli MD*, Kramer MP, Kolodziejczyk A, Cohen I, Radomir L, Sheban D, Kamer I, Litchfield K, Bab-Dinitz E, Zadok O, Neiens V, Ulman A, Wolf-Levy H, Eisenberg-Lerner A, Kacen A, Alon M,  Toste Rêgo A, Stacher-Priehse E, Lindner M, Koch I, Bar J, Swanton C, Samuels Y, Levin Y, da Fonseca P, Elinav E, Friedman N, Meiners S, Merbl Y.

Nature Cancer. DOI: 10.1038/s43018-023-00557-4.

Upregulation of the ESCRT pathway and multivesicular bodies accelerates degradation of proteins associated with neurodegeneration

Benyair R, Giridharan SSP, Rivero-Ríos P, Hasegawa J, Bristow E, Eskelinen EL, Shmueli MD, Fishbain-Yoskovitz V, Merbl Y, Sharkey LM, Paulson HL, Hanson PI, Patnaik S, Al-Ramahi I, Botas J, Marugan J, Weisman LS.

Autophagy Rep. 2023.  DOI: 10.1080/27694127.2023.2166722

Epithelial Nlrp10 inflammasome mediates protection against intestinal autoinflammation.
Zheng D, Mohapatra G, Kern L, He Y, Shmueli MD, Valdés-Mas R, Kolodziejczyk AA, Próchnicki T, Vasconcelos MB, Schorr L, Hertel F, Lee YS, Rufino MC, Ceddaha E, Shimshy S, Hodgetts RJ, Dori-Bachash M, Kleimeyer C, Goldenberg K, Heinemann M, Stettner N, Harmelin A, Shapiro H, Puschhof J, Chen M, Flavell RA, Latz E, Merbl Y, Abdeen SK, Elinav E.

Nat Immunol. 2023. DOI: 10.1038/s41590-023-01450-z

Post-translational modifications reshape the antigen landscape of the MHCI immunopeptidome in tumors
Kacen A, Javitt A, Kramer MP, Morgenstern D, Tsaban T, Teo GC, Leprevost F, Barnea E, Yu F, Admon A, Schueler-Furman O, Levin Y, Nesvizhskii AI, Merbl Y.

Nature Biotech. DOI: 10.1038/s41587-022-01464-2

Tumor-reactive antibodies evolve from non-binding and autoreactive precursors

Mazor RD, Nathan N, Gilboa A, Stoler-Barak L, Moss L, Solomonov I, Hanuna A, Divinsky Y, Shmueli MD, Hezroni H, Zaretsky I, Mor M, Golani F, Sabah G, Jakobson-Setton A, Yanichkin N, Feinmesser M, Tsoref D, Salman L, Yeoshoua E, Peretz E, Erlich I, Mendelson Cohen N,  Gershoni MJ, Freund N, Merbl Y, Yaari G, Eitan R, Sagi I, Shulman Z. 

Cell. 2022. DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2022.02.012.

SUMOylation of linker histone H1 drives chromatin condensation and restriction of embryonic cell fate identity

Sheban D, Shani T, Maor R, Alejandro AC, Nofar M, Jakob H, Sergey V, Shmueli MD, Vladislav K, Chugaeva V, Rodriguez de Larosa A, Zerbib M, Ulman A, Massarwa S, Kupervaser M, Levin Y, Shema E, David Y, Novershtern N, Hanna JH, Merbl Y. 

Molecular Cell. Jan 6;82(1):106-122.e9. DOI: 10.1016/j.molcel.2021.11.011.

Altered protein abundance and localization inferred from sites of alternative modification by ubiquitin and SUMO

Ulman A, Levin T, Dassa B, Javitt A, Kacen A, Fishllevich S, Sheban D, Levy E, Merbl Y. 

JMB. 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.jmb.2021.167219

Golgi organization is regulated by proteasomal degradation

Eisenberg-Lerner A, Benyair R, Hizkiahou N, Nudel N, Maor R, Kramer MP, Shmueli MD, Zigdon I, Cherniavsky Lev M, Ulman A, Sagiv JY, Dayan M, Dassa B, Rosenwald M, Shachar I, Li J, Wang Y, Dezorella N, Khan S, Porat Z, Shimoni E, Avinoam O, Merbl Y. 

Nat Communications. 2020. DOI:10.1038/s41467-019-14038-9.

Phenotypic Screen Identifies JAK2 as a Major Regulator of FAT10 Expression

Reznik N, Kozer N, Eisenberg-Lerner A, Barr H, Merbl Y, London N. 

ACS Chem Biol. 2019.

Revealing the cellular degradome by mass spectrometry analysis of proteasome-cleaved peptides

Wolf-Levy H, Javitt A, Eisenberg-Lerner A, Kacen A, Ulman A, Sheban D, Dassa B, Fishbain-Yoskovitz V, Carmona-Rivera C, Kramer MP, Nudel N, Regev I, Zahavi L, Elinger D, Kaplan MJ, Morgenstern D, Levin Y, Merbl Y. 

Nature Biotech, 2018. DOI: 10.1038/nbt.4279

Neutralizing Gatad2a-Chd4-Mbd3/NuRD Complex Facilitates Deterministic Induction of Naive Pluripotency

Mor N, Rais Y, Sheban D, Peles S, Aguilera-Castrejon A, Zviran A, Elinger D, Viukov S, Geula S, Krupalnik V, Zerbib M, Chomsky E, Lasman L, Shani T, Bayerl J, Gafni O, Hanna S, Buenrostro JD, Hagai T, Masika H, Vainorius G, Bergman Y, Greenleaf WJ, Esteban MA, Elling U, Levin Y, Massarwa R, Merbl Y, Novershtern N, Hanna JH. 

Cell Stem Cell. 2018.

Analyses of antigen dependency networks unveil immune system reorganization between birth and adulthood. 

Madi A, Kenett DY, Bransburg-Zabary S, Merbl Y, Quintana FJ, Boccaletti S, Tauber AI, Cohen IR, BenJacob E. 

Chaos. 2011.DOI: 10.1063/1.3543800

Network theory analysis of antibody-antigen reactivity data: the immune trees at birth and adulthood 

Madi A, Kenett DY, Bransburg-Zabary S, Merbl Y, Quintana FJ, Tauber AI, Cohen IR, Ben-Jacob E. 

PLoS One. 2011.

Protein microarrays for genome-wide posttranslational modification analysis.

Merbl Y, Kirschner MW.

Wiley Interdiscip Rev Syst Biol Med. 2011. doi: 10.1002/wsbm.120.

Organization of the autoantibody repertoire in healthy newborns and adults revealed by system level informatics of antigen microarray dat

Madi A, Hecht I, Bransburg-Zabary S, Merbl Y, Pick A, Zucker-Toledano M, Quintana FJ, Tauber AI, Cohen IR, Ben-Jacob E. 

PNAS. 2009.

Antigen microarrays identify unique serum autoantibody signatures in clinical and pathologic subtypes of multiple sclerosis

Quintana, FJ, Farez MF, Viglietta V, Iglesias AH, Merbl Y, Izquierdo G, Lucas M, Basso AS, Khoury SJ, Lucchinetti CF, et al. 

PNAS. 2008.

Association of the RGS2 gene with extrapyramidal symptoms induced by treatment with antipsychotic medication

Greenbaum L, Strous RD, Kanyas K, Merbl Y, Horowitz A, Karni O, Katz E, Kotler M, Olender T, Deshpande SN, et al. 

Pharmacogenet Genomics. 2007.  DOI: 10.1097/FPC.0b013e32800ffbb4

Association of the dopamine receptor interacting protein gene, NEF3, with early response to antipsychotic medication

Strous RD, Greenbaum L, Kanyas K, Merbl Y, Horowitz A, Karni O, Viglin D, Olender T, Deshpande SN,Lancet D, et al. 

Int J Neuropsychopharmacol. 2007. DOI: 10.1017/S1461145706006651

Why do young women smoke? I. Direct and interactive effects of environment, psychological characteristics and nicotinic cholinergic receptor genes

Greenbaum L, Kanyas K, Karni O, Merbl Y, Olender T, Horowitz A, Yakir A, Lancet D, Ben-Asher E, Lerer B. 

Mol Psychiatry.  2006. DOI: 10.1038/

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